Toddler Package - Surviving the Swarm
For Children 18 months – 8 years
“Can you lay with me?”, “Can you rub my back?”, “I have to go to the bathroom”, “I’m still thirsty!” Do any of these sound familiar to you? Toddlers and older children alike are born to push boundaries. They are beginning to become more independent and as a result, want to know how everything works. This is normal behaviour, but it can be managed. This package will help with bedtime battles, nap problems, nighttime wakings, put an end to co-sleeping, and so much more.
This Package Includes:
- 15-minute sleep evaluation call.
- Complete an assessment of your child’s sleep through a questionnaire about your child, his/her sleeping habits, routines, and more.
- Private 60-minute consultation to discuss all things sleep, as well as the plan
- Customized three-week sleep plan.
- Six 15-min follow-up calls (to be used within 2 weeks) to discuss any challenges, setbacks, and of course, successes!
- Daily messaging support for any questions or concerns. You will receive a response within 12 hours.
- Three weeks of sleep tracking through a client-shared log.
- A goodbye package that includes information about how to keep sleep on track during illnesses and travelling, as well as teething tips, nap transitions, and more.
Ask me about a payment plan.
Additional and ongoing support options are available.
Do you live in Sudbury or a surrounding area? Request an in-home consultation for an additional $70.
Surviving the Swarm
Sleep Evaluation Call
Private 60-minute Consultation
Customized 3-week Sleep Plan
6 Follow-up Calls
Sleep Log Tracking
Sweet Sleep Continued Guide
Nursery Evaluation
Daily Messaging Support
Bedtime Support on Night 1
Sleep in Your Pocket - 6 months
TSB Graduation Pack
SleepBee Head
Sleep Evaluation Call
Private 60-minute Consultation
Customized 3-week Sleep Plan
6 Follow-up Calls
Sleep Log Tracking
Sweet Sleep Continued Guide
Nursery Evaluation
Daily Messaging Support
Save the Sleep
Sleep Evaluation Call
Private 60-minute Consultation
Customized 3-week Sleep Plan
6 Follow-up Calls
Sleep Log Tracking
Sweet Sleep Continued Guide